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Our Crystals

Copy of apothecary cards (3.25 x 3.5 in) - Black Obsidi (2).png
Copy of apothecary cards (3.25 x 3.5 in) - Black Obsidi (2).png
Copy of apothecary cards (3.25 x 3.5 in) - Black Obsidi (2).png
Copy of apothecary cards (3.25 x 3.5 in) - Black Obsidi (2).png
Copy of apothecary cards (3.25 x 3.5 in) - Black Obsidi (2).png


Amazonite is a wonderful healer for your
emotional body, transmuting fear and worry
into a cool trusting and a deep calmness. It is
soothing for your nerves and is particularly
rejuvenating to your heart and throat chakra,
and enhances communication concerning
love. It helps you to both manifest and retain
the pure energy of universal love.


Angel Aura

Angel Aura is usually clear or smoky quartz enhanced or treated with atoms of other metals or precious minerals. It helps restore your faith in humanity and reignites your optimism and inner child, inspiring you to take part in humanity’s greater good. This stone can heal the physical and spiritual body, aligning yourself to better understand and receive angelic knowledge and wisdom.



Apatite is related to service and to the
development of humanitarian pursuits;
It enhances creativity and awakens your
finer inner self. Apatite is a stone of the future
and will bring knowledge to those attuned to
it by clearing mental confusion. Apatite is a
powerful meditation or psychic awareness
tool; it can clear the aura, enable spiritual
atonement, and bring on powerful
psychic awareness.



Azurite stimulates the Third Eye Chakra in awakening the psychic and intuitive self, and in opening the mind to spiritual guidance. It helps clear old grudges, outdated beliefs and limiting beliefs from your psyche and aura. It helps you remain calm and grounded as you work through personal triggers.


Black Rutile Quartz

Rutilated Quartz is also called angel hair and
assists you in getting to the root of a problem;
it brings joy and abundance, and promotes
forgiveness at all levels. It opens your aura
and helps with your spiritual progress.
Rutilated Quartz soothes your emotions; it is
the perfect crystal to draw off dense energy.



Bloodstone carries the ability to ground your
body and mind in the present. Helping you
connect with the divine and view the feelings
of isolation and loneliness that come with
being bullied as the illusion that they are. By
harnessing the power of the bloodstone, you
can teach your mind and body to appreciate
that with chaos comes great transformation.


Blue Lace Agate

Blue Lace Agate is a cooling and calming stone that endows us with a sense of peace and tranquility. A powerful throat healer, it assists with verbal expression of thoughts and feelings. Blue Lace Agate is a great nurturing and supportive stone, that is used to neutralize anger and other strong emotions.


Cat's Eye

Cat’s Eye clears obstacles, hindrances and wards off evil. It is highly recommended for those, who do not have well placed Ketu in their natal charts. The malefic effect of Ketu is to cause loss of reputation and to increase jealousies and rivalries as a result of the native’s popularity. Proper use of this stone will ease matters considerably and safeguard them from scandals, loss of reputation.



Chrysoprase is a green type of chalcedony and is useful for balancing the yin-yang energy and for aligning the chakras with the spiritual plane. It instills a state of grace, facilitating deep meditative states and compassion; it heals subconscious patterns and brings harmony, balance and joy.


Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is a power crystal that harmonizes and balances your aura; it enhances energy and thoughts, and purifies your spiritual, mental, and physical energies. It is also a powerfully protective stone, bringing the purified energy into your energy field. Clear quartz is associated with the crown chakra, and has the ability to amplify, transform, store, focus, and transfer energy.


Dragon Blood Jasper

Dragon Blood Jasper lifts you from the depths of despair and self-doubt to put you on the path of victory. Not for the faint of heart, this stone has a knack for instilling determination and vigor like no other stone. Dragon Blood Jasper pushes you to chase your aspirations like a warrior going into battle. It also fiercely protects your energy. According to folklore, it was a common gift to soldiers from their wives.



Fluorite is a powerful crystal to use in
balancing your brain, and is excellent for
learning and study; it is extremely effective
against computer and electromagnetic smog.
This stone can overcome chaos and draws
off any negative energy and stress of all
kinds. It is a potent stone that brings you
strong protection from physical ailments


Golden Rutile

Golden Rutilated Quartz grounds Light energy on the cellular level, illuminating our everyday lives, and assists in our attunement to the flow of graceful and divine action. It can activate our creative energy and ability to receive celestial inspiration and spiritual knowledge. It can also be used to magnify the energy of practically any intention or affirmation, with energy vibrating along the Rutile threads like electricity through wires.



Hematite is a crystal of strength on mental, physical and astral levels. Due to its magnetic nature and yin-yang (energies, Hematite can bring people into balance. It is an excellent grounding stone and will increase your capability to focus an erratic mind. Compared to dark stones, Hematite is very nurturing and will bring about evolution, without causing a lot of stress and shock.



Iolite is one of the major stones to use in the
third-eye/crown chakra during healing, guided
meditation and astral travel. It activates the
visionary, creative side of the mind, and
provides access to thoughts and ideas
beyond the ordinary; it inspires creative
self-expression through writing, song,
movement and other artistic endeavors


K2 Jasper

K2 Jasper is a gemstone of whimsy, spontaneous fun, and enlightenment. It is an enlightening stone that elevates your spiritual power and spiritual wisdom. Working with it, you will feel energized and motivated for a great future. K2 Jasper is a stone that gives you a punch of positive energy and a drive to be more invested in your happiness with your personal life, love life, and career.


Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is the stone of total awareness, brings joy, and enhances a state of serenity. It brings great power to you if your intentions are sincere. This stone strengthens your psychic awareness, induces courage, protects, purifies, calms & de-stresses, improves emotional clarity and wisdom. It also attracts spiritual love, fidelity and is often used on your 3rd eye chakra meditation.


Lemon Quartz

Lemon Quartz create cheerfulness and to assist in overcoming feelings of depression. It brings in positive, happy energy that stimulates a person’s temperament and lifts them out of low moods. These positive energies allow a person to open up the spirit to allow new experiences in and to find positive energy in these new interactions and activities.


Mahogany Obsidian

Mahogany Obsidian works to release us from our own inner limitations that restrict development of our life path. It eliminates hesitation within that is constantly weighing judgement on decisions that affect your life purpose. This crystal also helps dissolve ancestral patterns of abuse, negativity, hatred or fear that are ingrained into the emotional body.



Rainbow Moonstone is a transformational stone, it can heal and ease emotional trauma. It is known to help dissolve your ego, offer psychic protection, clearing the senses and mind. Moonstone helps you connect with your Divine Feminine and is excellent for conception, pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding



Narmadeshwar is believed to be a manifestation of Lord Shiva and it helps the devotee in connecting with supreme Lord Shiva. Carved from a Narmadeshwar Shivling, this crystal brings prosperity, concentration and protection during turbulent times.



Opalite is a wonderfully serene crystal.
It is a stone of love, but only rewards faithful
lovers. It is said to help form lasting romantic
bonds. Opalite is believed to alleviate
depression, soothe frayed nerves and help us
to step away from anxiety. It is said to bring
inner peace and a sense of
calm in any situation.


Poppy Jasper

Poppy Jasper is a happy and joyful stone associated with poppies and with remembrance.It will bring your life vitality and cheerfulness, and it will remind you of your duty to humanity to be kind and compassionate. This stone with its beautiful color and rich warmth will lighten the mood in any space and uplift the energies of anyone who wears it.



Pyrite is a mineral that possesses a
defending quality and is an excellent
preventive that will shield you from many
forms of negative energy. It is masculine in
nature, a stone of action, vitality and will, and
taps into your abilities and potential,
stimulating the flow of new ideas. It brings
you great confidence and the persistence to
carry things through to completion



Rhodonite is a crystal filled with love and balance. When it was discovered, it was nicknamed the ‘Eagle Stone’ as locals witnessed eagles carrying pieces of it back to their nest. Rhodonite is a healing tonic for heartbreak. It releases stuck, fearful energies related to self-worth and self-love and helps you establish boundaries.


Ruby Fuchsite

The energies of Ruby Fuchsite combined offer strong emotional support and self reflection during difficult times. The Ruby, which offers endless courage and strength, combined with the relaxing and nourishing vibrations of the Fuchsite, will be felt immediately. This crystal will start working to heal your emotional body and relieve all the weight that we carry on our hearts due to trauma.



Serpentine can help you to be less sensitive to the thoughts, comments or opinions of others. It can help you feel more self-confident and less invested in receiving external praise or appreciation. Serpentine is a stone of independence. It engenders a sense of being protected, stimulating you to move into new realms and social circles without hesitancy or fear.


Snowflake Obsidian

Dubbed as the Stone of Purity, Snowflake Obsidian is said to bring balance and truth to the body, spirit and mind. This stone is particularly empowering for accepting change and can transform your life. It allows you to see through the darkness of problems and adversity and help realign you with light.


Strawberry Quartz

Strawberry Quartz is a beautiful healer of the heart and has the ability to bring the energies of universal love into your life. It inspires self-healing and self-nurturing energies, promoting a powerful bond and connection to the universe and divine realm. This stone can help in creating a sense of your personal value and shows you how loved you are by the people around you.


Tiger's Eye

Tiger's Eye is a stone of protection; it has the power to focus your mind, promoting mental clarity, assisting you to resolve problems objectively. This stone stabilizes your mood swings, boosts willpower, purpose, courage and self-confidence. It also brings you good luck and fortune.



Unakite brings your consciousness to the present moment; it balances your emotional body, bringing it into alignment with your higher spirituality. It grounds your energy, and promotes visualization. Unakite brings deeply rooted issues to the surface for transformation.



Amethyst‘s literal meaning comes from Greek meaning ‘not intoxicated’. The main metaphysical properties of amethyst are bringing balance, peace and calmness. It is a ‘stone of spirituality and contentment’, and has strong healing and cleansing powers. It is a natural tranquilizer and deepens your meditation.



As etheric and divine as its name, the angelite crystal can bring love and light from angelic beings into your life. It will bring you the spiritual energies of healing, power and protection, allowing you to connect easily with your guardian angels and spirit guides. This stone like a lullaby of love and light that can be used to leap to higher consciousness and awareness.



Aquamarine is a Water element stone,
powerful for cleansing your emotional body
and opening communication; it is a “stone of
courage” and stimulates, activates, and
cleanses your throat chakra; it increases
sensitivities, and facilitates spiritual
awareness. Aquamarine is calming, soothing,
and inspires truth, trust and letting go.


Black Obsidian

Obsidian is a lustrous volcanic glass; it
enhances the truth, which brings up old grief
and emotions for clearing. It provides deep
soul healing and can bring your core issue to
the surface. Obsidian should be used with
caution and must be cleansed often with
clear running water. It provides a shield
against negativity, transforming negative
vibrations within an environment; Black
obsidian is an excellent stone for protection


Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is a powerful protective
and grounding stone, and helps block any
negative energy. It also has the ability to turn
dense energy into light. Black Tourmaline
grounds your root chakra and purifies your
energy body; it also protects you against
electro magnetic smog.


Blue Kyanite

Kyanite is one of the minerals in the kingdom
that never needs cleaning; it will not
accumulate or retain negative energy or
vibrations. Kyanite aligns the chakras
automatically and immediately; it brings
tranquility and a calming effect to your whole
being. It stimulates communication and
psychic awareness on all levels, and assists
in dispelling confusion arising from emotional,
spiritual and intellectual issues.



Carnelian is a mineral that sharpens your concentration, ignites your inner fire and stimulates your creativity. It is a stone of motivation and endurance, leadership and courage. This stone empowers your self-confidence in all aspects of your life, from relationships and professional pursuits to personal projects. Carnelian is also immune-boosting and be used to heal colds and balance your feminine energy.



Chrysocolla is devoted to expression, empowerment and teaching. The serenity of its turquoise-blue color discharges negative energies, calms, and allows truth and inner wisdom to surface and be heard. A peaceful stone, it emphasizes the power our words and actions have on those around us, and encourages compassion and strengthening of character.



Citrine balances your emotions and makes
your mood sunny and cheerful; it brings
fortune and prosperity, and actually helps you
to maintain a state of wealth, and draw
abundance through joy. Citrine is the stone of


Dalmatian Stone

Dalmatian Jasper is renowned as a caring gemstone. It promotes mental sharpness, allowing one's talents and flaws to be shown, as well as a peaceful feeling of completeness, mastery, and tranquility. It promotes relational fidelity by directing people along a road of self-love and truthfulness. It helps in dismantling defensive systems that are no longer needed.



Emerald can help you manifest huge gifts of magnetic good fortune, abundance and health. Ancient Egyptians used emerald for everything from youthfulness to healthy childbirth. Since it is also a heart chakra stone, it brings loyalty and provides for domestic bliss while enhancing unconditional love, unity and friendship.



Garnet is a stone of sensuality and earthiness. It helps you establish and keep boundaries in your life while also removing blockages and inhibitions. It’s the perfect stone to take with when you begin a new adventure or phase! It is also extremely beneficial for your health and helps in extracting negative energy from your chakras. It can also be used to awaken grounded Kundalini.", extracting negative energy from your chakras, and transmuting the energy to a beneficial state.


Green Aventurine

your hezart and heals your emotions; it purifies
your mental and growth process, bringing you
tranquility and a sense of peace. This
beautiful stone is an attractor of luck, which Green Aventurine is an excellent protector of

aligns conditions so “opportunity” is
inevitable. Wearing Aventurine also absorbs
electromagnetic smog and guards against
environmental pollution



Howlite stones have a lovely soothing energy
that will help to alleviate stress, and may help
to calm fits of anger and bad temper.
They have extremely useful metaphysical
properties that will aid you to deal with
belligerent or aggressive people.
Their energy may calm both you and the
other person.They may also heighten the
level of patience you are feeling
about what is happening



Jade is a powerful emotional balancer,
nurturing and bringing peace and purity into
your life, removing negative thoughts and
energy. It radiates the divine, promoting
unconditional love, serenity, clarity of mind,
courage and wisdom. Jade is believed to be
stone of luck, prosperity and friendship. It can
enhance your dreams, allowing you to
awaken hidden knowledge and become who
you really are. It is a protective stone that
keeps you from harm



Labradorite represents the ‘temple of stars’, assisting you in sustaining, maintaining and understanding of your chosen destiny. It helps to reflect and facilitate beneficial transformations, enhance patience and brings you an inner knowing of “the right time”. Labradorite is also the ‘stone of seeing’ helps you see things as they are in the present moment. It helps you gain access o insights and wisdoms that lie below the obvious.



Larvikite is a stone of inner transformation that helps one better adapt to change, as well as accept and understand any benefits that may come with it. To personally (as well as spiritually) evolve on this planet, one must be able to withstand and “weather the storm”. Larvikite helps one access their inner strength and enables their personal willpower to go on “auto-pilot”.



Lepidolite is one of the best calming and balancing stones for your emotional body. It contains ‘lithium’ which is used in multiple psychiatric pharmaceuticals. Lepidolite is a natural anti-depressant and is helpful when stress, anxiety or depressive episodes get the upper hand. It reminds you that everything will work out just fine and that you are perfect the way you are.



Malachite is a protective and empowering
stone. Like a best friend who always has your
back, Malachite is always there, supporting
you to believe in yourself and make good
decisions to take care of yourself.
It helps you in the recognition and release of
negative experiences, leading to spiritual


Moss Agate

Moss Agate is known for its benefits in agricultural pursuits and has been successful in promoting the growth of new crops. Planted in a pot or flower bed, it increases the overall health of plants. Moss Agate is also a stone of wealth, attracting abundance in all forms. In the workplace, it draws new business and gradual expansion, increasing prosperity over time.



Nuummite, the Sorcere’s Stone, draws from the fiery energies of ancient Earth and combines with the elements of Storm. Nuummite counteracts modern urban living that may dull the instincts and bring over-reliance on technology. In the workplace, it inspires fast, intuitive reactions without sacrificing logic, and encourages others to consider your skills more valuable.



Peridot emits a warm and friendly energy; it releases your old patterns and activates your heart and solar plexus. Peridot motivates your growth and helps you to bring about change. It sharpens the mind and regulates the cycles of life. It is an excellent healing stone, acting as a "tonic" to both strengthen and regenerate the body.



Prehnite is a protective healer. This stone is said to protect you on all levels while strengthening your life force. It links our heart directly to our solar plexus chakra. Since the latter is linked to our will and our action taking abilities, Prehnite makes our purest dreams become a priority. Instead of leading each day with our distracted and confused minds, Prehnite helps us lead with our hearts.


Red Jasper

Red Jasper is called The Stone of Endurance and Nurturing, as it feeds back to you your own inner power. It engages the root and sacral chakra, actively channeling Earth’s mightiest energy within. It helps with balance, stamina, courage and strength and comes kissed with the fiery force to carry you through a difficult time. It gives you the inner strength of a warrior while keeping you grounded and humble.


Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is a stone of unconditional love; it opens your heart chakra to all forms of love; self-love, family love, platonic love, and romantic love. Rose quartz has excellent protection energies during pregnancy and childbirth. It carries the soft, gentle feminine energy of peace and compassion, comfort and love as well as tenderness and healing.



Selenite embodies a high vibration energy that works to help you to bring light down from the higher realms into the physical body, to create personal transformation. The white or transparent crystals have a strong vibration that may open the crown chakra and the soul star chakra. This will assist you to contact the Divine Mind and to access the Angelic realm.


Smoky Quartz

Smokey Quartz provides grounding for all your endeavors and is a protective stone. It helps in drawing white light energy from the Divine realm down to your body in order to be deeply grounded and rooted in the physical plane. This stone absorbs and then transmutes a significant amount of negative energy, releasing it into the earth to be naturally neutralized.



Sodalite brings order and calmness to your mind; it encourages rational thought, objectivity, truth and intuition, and verbalization of feelings. Sodalite brings emotional balance; it enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-trust.



Sunstone brings luck and good fortune;
it clears and energizes all your chakras.
Sunstone instills good nature, heightens your
intuition and allows your real self to shine
through happily; it encourages independence
and originality


Tree Agate

Tree Agate is a highly supportive stone that
boosts the immune system and regulates the
balance of water in the body. Tree Agate
helps to clear energy blockages in the Nadis
(energy channels) to allow for a greater flow
of this energy throughout the body.
By opening up these pathways, Tree Agate
can help connect to the natural cycles in life,
thereby opening one up to a flow of
abundance and prosperity.

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